Wednesday, March 5, 2025

International Peace Scholarship for Women in USA and Canada

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The Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) will accept applications from mid-September to mid-December 2024 for the 2025 International Peace Scholarships (IPS) from international women students who wish to pursue graduate studies in the U.S. or Canada. Established in 1949, the International Peace Scholarship Fund aims to support international women students seeking to attend graduate school in the United States or Canada.

It’s important to note that the award is not intended to cover all living or academic expenses but is based on documented need. Applicants must disclose any additional financial resources at the time of application that are adequate to cover their anticipated costs. These resources may include personal and family finances, tuition waivers, labour scholarships, teaching assistantships, study grants, and other scholarships. The maximum amount a student can receive is $12,500, although individual circumstances may lead to the awarding of smaller sums.

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  • Supporting Organisation: Philanthropic Educational Organisation
  • Level of study: Master’s degree
  • Duration: one-year
  • Target Group: Women
  • Eligible Country: All
  • Eligibility Forms Start Date: September 15, 2024
  • Eligibility Forms Deadline: December 15, 2024
  • Application Materials Deadline (For Enrolled Students): February 1, 2025
  • Application Materials Deadline (For Not Enrolled Students): March 15, 2025
  • Scholarship Notifications: May 1, 2025
  • IPS Award Acceptance Due: is June 1, 2025



The total award amount is $12500, which does NOT cover the personal expenses; applicants are required to indicate additional financial resources. To cover these costs, applicants can use many resources, such as:

    • Family funds
    • Tuition waivers
    • Work scholarships
    • Teaching
    • Assistantships
    • Study grants and other scholarships


  • Depending on her visa status, an applicant will be needed to fill out and sign a document agreeing to leave the United States or Canada and return to her home country within sixty (60) days of finishing her degree program(s) or Alternative Practical Training (OPT).
  • The candidate must have round-trip or guaranteed return travel costs. The guarantor must provide a travel form in support of this with the application.
  • Travel cannot be funded by IPS prizes.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • The P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund offers financial aid to women from outside the United States and Canada who are pursuing advanced degrees at an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada, with the hope that recipients will use their education upon returning home to make a positive contribution and promote world peace.
  • An applicant must have a full year of coursework left to complete, be enrolled, and dwell in the same residence for the whole of the academic year in order to be eligible for her first award.
  • First-time applicants are not permitted to be doctoral students who have finished their coursework and are just focusing on their dissertations.
  • Scholarship applications from international students attending Cottey College are welcome.
  • Students who are citizens or legal residents of Canada or the United States are not eligible. Note: It is acceptable for a student to have residency just for tax purposes.
  • Online learning, research, internships, or practical training that is not accompanied by coursework are not eligible for scholarships.
  • Depending on her visa status, an applicant will be needed to fill out and sign a document agreeing to leave the United States or Canada and return to her home country within sixty (60) days of finishing her degree program(s) Optional Practical Training (OPT).

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You will not be eligible for the International Peace Scholarship in the following cases:

  • A student who has citizenship or permanent residency in the United States or Canada is ineligible.
    Note: It is acceptable for a student to have residency just for tax purposes.
  • Scholarships are not awarded for online learning, independent study, internships, or training in the real world without concurrent coursework.
  • A candidate must have a full year of coursework left to complete, be enrolled, and dwell in the same residence for the duration of the academic year in order to be eligible for her first scholarship.
  • First-time applicants are not permitted to be doctoral students who have finished their coursework and are just focusing on their dissertations.
  • Doctoral students in medicine or dentistry who are in their final two (2) years of study, an internship, or a residency will be taken into consideration.


Based on Non-Discrimination

Applications from people who meet the requirements outlined in this section shall be examined on a nondiscriminatory basis without taking their age, race, national origin, religion, or handicap into account.

Cottey College Applicants

The applicant who enrols at Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri, is exempt from the requirements for (A) entrance classification, (B) scholarship fulfilment, and (C) travel expenses. The P.E.O. Sisterhood is the owner of Cottey College. The candidate must provide proof of enrollment at Cottey.

Required Documents

Please submit these required supporting documents for your application:

  • Copy of admission letter
  • Commitment letter to coming back to their home country after graduation
  • Grantee document of travel expenses

Also, read about the 500 ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents in China (Fully Funded).

How to Apply?

Before applicants provide application materials, eligibility form must be filled. The eligibility details are available at any time; however, only between September 15 and December 15 will the completed form be accepted electronically in the IPS office.

Applicants to Cottey College will receive application materials after being accepted and recommended by the director of admission.


Online Eligibility Form


Note: The awards are announced in May. The scholarship amount will be divided into two (2) payments. The first payment is sent upon receipt of the student’s completed acceptance paperwork and enrollment confirmation. The second payment is made in December, upon receipt of the student’s confirmation of continuing enrollment, which is due by November 30. By December 15, all scholarship funds must be paid in full.

For further information about the PEO international peace scholarship, please visit the PEO website

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