Friday, September 13, 2024

IGF 2024 Call for Travel Support in Saudi Arabia

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The IGF is a United Nations-mandated forum that promotes multi-stakeholder dialogue on Internet governance. Its mission includes enhancing participation from developing countries and fostering capacity-building in these regions. Recognising the need for inclusivity, the 2018 United Nations Secretary-General urged the IGF to amplify “weak and missing voices” in its processes, emphasising the importance of diversity and inclusion.

To achieve these goals, the IGF provides travel support to a limited number of eligible candidates from developing countries. This support is made possible through contributions to the IGF Global South Fund by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The aim is to enable under-represented stakeholders to contribute to and benefit from the IGF’s discussions, ensuring a more diverse and inclusive dialogue on Internet governance.


  • Organiser: Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Secretariat, Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Host Country: Saudi Arabia
  • Programme Language: English
  • Focus Area: Internet Governance
  • Target Group: Stakeholders engaged in Internet governance, especially under-represented groups like women, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, elderly population, and youth
  • Eligible Countries: Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, Small Island Developing States, Economies in Transition
  • Duration: December 15–19, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 10, 2024, 23:59 UTC
  • Important Dates: IGF 2024 Meeting: December 15–19, 2024

Also, Veneto Region Scholarships of Padua University in Italy.


Selected candidates will receive travel support to attend the 19th annual IGF meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This support covers airfare, accommodation, and other travel-related costs. Priority may go to candidates requesting partial funding and those without travel support in previous years.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for travel support, candidates must:

  • Represent any stakeholder group.
  • Be from a least-developed country, a developing country, an island developing state, or an economy in transition.
  • Participate actively in the IGF 2024 process as contributors, session organisers, speakers, moderators, or rapporteurs.
  • Demonstrate a strong interest in Internet governance-related activities.
  • Show a commitment to contributing to their community after participating in the IGF.
  • Be recommended by a respected community member.
  • Preference may go to under-represented groups such as women, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, older people, and youth.
  • Candidates from Africa may also be eligible for support to attend the African annual IGF meeting and the 19th annual IGF meeting, subject to available funding.

Also, there is the Korea Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies.

Selection Process

The IGF Secretariat will evaluate applications based on the eligibility criteria. Only those meeting the three primary criteria will be eligible for further consideration.

The number of selected candidates will depend on available funds, and the final participant list will aim to balance stakeholder representation, regional diversity, gender, and age. The IGF Secretariat may also invite under-represented stakeholders who meet the criteria to ensure a diverse and inclusive meeting.

How to Apply

Eligible candidates can submit their travel support applications through the Travel Support Application e-form by September 10, 2024, 23:59 UTC. Applicants must have all necessary travel documents and follow the relevant procedures for entering Saudi Arabia. Regularly check the Host Country’s website for any travel-related updates or regulations.

Apply Now

Further details and information about the programme are available on the official website of IGF.

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