Thursday, September 19, 2024

IGF 2024 Support for Global South Journalists

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You can take advantage of the IGF 2024 Support for Global South Journalists! Journalists from under-represented groups will have the opportunity and means to cover international conferences on internet governance and digital issues thanks to this programme.

Travel, housing, and access to the 19th Annual IGF are all part of this programme, which is being organised by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) with the goal of supporting journalists in their work. An event with a focus on significant digital issues will be held in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from December 15–19, 2024. Journalists who are chosen may also be able to cover the IGF’s priority areas and take part in workshops.

If you fit the requirements, this program can advance your professional development and add to the international dialogue on Internet governance. Do not miss the opportunity to apply and join this initiative to improve media representation from the Global South; it closes on October 18, 2024.



What does the programme provide?

  • Full travel and accommodation coverage to participate in the 19th Annual IGF in Riyadh
  • A stipend for the duration of the event
  • Opportunity to participate in dedicated workshops before and during the IGF
  • Chance to publish five stories in 2024 related to digital issues, with priority areas of the IGF
  • Promotion of your work through IGF’s media channels and partners

Eligibility Criteria

Below are the requirements that applicants must meet:

  • Applicants must be a national of an LDC, LLDC, SIDS, LIC, LMIC, or Economy in Transition
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Must have at least three years of experience in journalism, with a focus on tech or digital issues
  • Employed or freelancing for a recognised media outlet with regular publications
  • Must submit two links to recently published stories on digital topics (can be in any language but must include an English translation)
  • Must adhere to journalistic standards and ethics

Required Documents

Prepare and submit these documents:

  • Application form
  • Two links to recently published journalism stories (print, web, TV, radio)
  • English translations of stories published in other languages
  • Agreement to the terms and conditions outlined by the IGF

Selection Process

The selection process highlights are as follows:

  • Submit applications via the official form by the deadline.
  • No fees are charged for entry.
  • Submit all required information and documents as outlined in the application form.
  • Include at least two links to recently published stories (print, web, TV, radio) covering digital-related issues.
  • Non-English stories must include an English translation.
  • Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.
  • Successful applicants will be informed in writing.
  • Selected journalists must participate in all programme activities, including workshops and post-event reporting.
  • Expenses for travel, accommodation, and a stipend are covered.
  • Selected journalists must publish five stories in 2024 related to the IGF priority areas.

How to Apply

  • Visit the official IGF website and fill out the application form
  • Submit at least two links to recently published digital-related stories
  • Ensure translations accompany all non-English media
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions before submission
  • Apply before October 18, 2024, 23:59 UTC

Apply Now

Further details and information are available on the official IGF website.

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