Friday, September 13, 2024

The British Academy Global Professorships for Researchers

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The Global Professorships offer a unique chance for scholars to engage in new, cutting-edge projects that can significantly contribute to advancing their fields. The British Academy is committed to supporting ambitious researchers ready to undertake projects that challenge the status quo and lead to novel collaborations between scholars and UK institutions.

In addition to fostering innovative research, the Global Professorships aim to strengthen the UK’s research landscape by bringing in top-tier international talent. These awards benefit individual researchers and add value to the host institutions, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that drives forward the global academic community.

  • Support High-Quality Research: Provide long-term funding for established researchers to pursue their vision.
  • Attract Global Talent: Bring internationally recognised scholars to the UK to conduct cutting-edge research.
  • Advance UK Research Goals: Projects should align with the host institution’s strategy, offering clear benefits to both the researcher’s career and the institution’s objectives.
  • Foster Collaboration: Demonstrate strong engagement and support from the UK host institution, ensuring mutual benefits for both the Professor and the institution.


  • Organiser: British Academy
  • Host Country: United Kingdom
  • Duration: Four years
  • Funding Type: Grant, up to £900,000
  • Study Level: Research (Postdoctoral level)
  • Focus Area/Field: Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Target Group: Mid-career and Senior researchers
  • Application Deadline: October 23, 2024, at 17:00 BST
  • Earliest Start Date: March 26, 2025

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You will benefit from this programme as follows:

  • Up to £900,000 in funding per award, covering the entire four-year period.
  • Opportunity to work at a leading UK research institution.
  • Funding for high-risk, cutting-edge research projects in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Enhanced career development opportunities and significant contributions to the research strategies of UK host institutions

Also, read Wigwe University Merit-Based Scholarship in Nigeria.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be mid-career or senior researchers recognised in their field and employed outside the UK.
  • Must hold a doctoral degree or equivalent research experience.
  • You can hold only one British Academy award of a similar nature at a time.
  • Applicants cannot submit multiple proposals under this programme, even with different host institutions.
  • Must be available for unpaid leave, secondment, or employment at a UK institution.
  • Co-applicants are not allowed; awards are individual and cannot be made retrospectively.
  • A formal support statement from the proposed UK host institution is required.
  • Candidates must be outside the UK and not primarily employed by a UK institution at the time of application.
  • Prior contact with the UK host institution is necessary. Duplicate applications to other British Academy programmes are not permitted.

Also, read the Korea Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies.

Required Documents

Please have these documents in hand:

  • Completed online application form via the British Academy’s Grant Management System, Flexi-Grant
  • A formal statement of support from the proposed UK host institution
  • Certified copies of academic qualifications and proof of current employment
  • Detailed research proposal outlining the project’s new, coherent, and cutting-edge nature.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the applicant

How to Apply

  • Applications must be submitted online through the British Academy’s Grant Management System, Flexi-Grant®.
  • Ensure all required documents are uploaded and the application is complete before submission.
  • The deadline for submission is October 23, 2024, at 17:00 BST.
  • For any inquiries or assistance with the application process, contact the British Academy at

Apply Now

Further details about the Global Professorships 2024 are available on the official British Academy website.

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